Self-care practices help you find your center and tap into greater self-compassion and self-love for your current life stage. These are just a few examples as a Certified RTA Facilitator I share with participants to consider for self-care.

Get grateful. Voicing what we’re grateful for heightens our mood, floods our body with endorphins, shifts and broadens how we see the world and supports us in remembering what really matters. Try starting each day with a gratitude bomb; before you even step out of bed, give thanks, and then get your friends and family to voice what they appreciate.
Do less. Navigating uncertain times requires more space to breathe, feel, digest and discern. We need time to just be so we can integrate what’s happening around us and re-calibrate. Say no; overdoing is depleting. Give yourself full permission to do less.
Go outside. Time in nature–the ultimate antidepressant–positively affects our physical, mental and emotional well-being. It reduces stress, enhances our mood, helps us to “reset,” promotes creativity and problem solving, and supports work/life balance. Plant your bare feet on the ground, lie on a blanket in your backyard or have lunch under a tree. Change your environment and you'll change your thoughts.
Move your body & breathe. Ever heard the phrase, “The issues are in the tissues"? Conscious movement gets us out of our heads and into the present moment. Yoga, qi gong, NIA and walking are particularly fortifying. Try this detoxifying breathing exercise (through your nose, mouth closed): breathe in for three, hold for three, breathe out for three. Repeat ten times.
Ask for help. Cultivating the ability to ask for and receive support–whether it’s from a coach, therapist, mentor, neighbor, or co-worker–helps you feel more connected, calm and confident when facing tough times. Learning this skill can be life changing!
In my Personal Renewal Group Workshops participants have the opportunity to explore various ways to incorporate self-care benefits for personal health, wellbeing and relationships to live a more balanced and joyful life.
Contact me if you’re interested in a Personal Renewal Workshop or Creative Life Coaching.